Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Logic Exericse:

(1) There are three people in the story: The sister, her nephew and Doc Brady
(2) Someone in the story sent the letter to the sister
(3) Anyone who sent the letter to the sister had a motive
(4) But the nephew didn’t have a motive—and neither did Doc Brady
:. The sister send the letter to herself
Let:      s = the sister n = the nephew d = Doc Brady
            Sx = x is in the story
            Exy = x sent the letter to y
            Mx = x had a motive
Represent the argument and prove the conclusion.

(1)       (Ss & Sn & Sd) & (∀x)(Sx → (x=s v x=n v x=d)
(2)       (∃x)(Sx & Exs)
(3)       (∀x)[(Exs → Mx]
(4)       ~Mn & ~Md
:. Ess
(5)      Sa* & Ea*s                                         2, ∃-Elimination
(6)       Sa*                                                      5, &-Elimination
(7)       (∀x)(Sx → (x=s v x=n v x=d)          1, &-Elimination
(8)      Sa* → (a*=s v a*=n v a*=d)           7, ∀-Elimination
(9)      (a*=s v a*=n v a*=d)                      6, 8 Modus Ponens
(10)                a*=n                                       Assumption for RAA
(11)                Ea*s                                        5, &-Elimination
(12)                Ens                                          10, 11 =Elimination
(13)                Ens → Mn                               3, ∀-Elimination
(14)                Mn                                           12, 13 Modus Ponens
(15)                ~Mn                                        4, &-Elimination
(16)                Mn & ~Mn                              14, 15 &-Introduction
(17)    ~(a*=n)                                             10-16 RAA
(18)    (a*=s v a*=d)                                    9, 17 Disjunctive Syllogism
(19)                a* = d                                     Assumption for RAA
(20)                Ea*s                                        5, &-Elimination
(21)                Eds                                          19, 20 =Elimination
(22)                Eds → Md                               3, ∀-Elimination
(23)                Md                                           21, 22 Modus Ponens
(24)                ~Md                                        4, &-Elimination
(25)                Md & ~Md                              23, 24 &-Introduction
(26)    ~(a*=d)                                             19-25 RAA
(27)    a*=s                                                    18, 26 Disjunctive Syllogism
(28)    Ess                                                      11, 27 =Elimination

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