Saturday, March 30, 2019

Logic Exercise: Columbo, “Lovely But Lethal” (1973)

Columbo: You see, we got our poison ivy in the same place. We both touched the slide. You touched it when you picked up the microscope and hit him. That's when the slide broke. I got it when I put my hand on the floor and it touched a piece of glass. I remember because I said: "Fellows, feels like there's broken glass here." The fingerprint man, he thought the glass came from a drinking glass.

Viveca: Wow, very good, Lieutenant.

Let:      Hx = x’s hands are itching
            Txy = x touched y
            Px = poison ivy is on x
            Kx = x is the killer
            Ix =  x is investigating the killing
            c = Columbo    s = the microscope-slide   v = Viveca

Represent the following argument and prove the conclusion:
(1) Anyone whose hands are itching touched something on which there was poison ivy.
(2) Poison ivy was on the microscope-slide—and only the microscope slide.
(3) Anyone who touched the microscope-slide is either the killer or investigating the killing.
(4) Columbo and Viveca’s hands are itching.
(5) Viveca is not investigating the killing.
Viveca is the killer


(1)      (∀x)(Hx → (∃y)(Txy & Py))            Premise
(2)      Ps & (∀x)(Px → x=s)                        Premise
(3)      (∀x)(Txm → (Kx v Ix))         Premise
(4)      Hc & Hv                                  Premise
(5)      ~Iv                                          Premise
∴ Kv
(6)      Hv                                           4, &-Elimination
(7)      Hv → (∃y)(Tvy & Py)           1, ∀-Elimination
(8)      (∃y)(Tvy & Py)                     6, 7 Modus Ponens
(9)      Tva* & Pa*                             8, ∃-Elimination
(10)    Pa*                                          9, &-Elimination
(11)    (∀x)(Px → x=s)                    2, &-Elimination
(12)    Pa* → a*=s                            11, ∀-Elimination
(13)    a*=s                                        10, 12 Modus Ponens
(14)    Tva*                                        9, &-Elimination
(15)    Tvs                                          13, 14 Indiscernibility of Identicals
(16)    Tvs → (Kv v Iv)                     3, ∀-Elimination
(17)    Kv v Iv                                    15, 16 Modus Ponens
(18)    Kv                                            5, 17 v-Elimination

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